Steps to Success
A message from founder Laurie Christopher.
Women of L.E.A.D.E.R.S.H.I.P. 1ST serves to strengthen, positively direct, educate and uplift girls and women in order to bring them closer to their life's purpose.
Franklin Grove sees success with Service Learning students.
From our Service Coordinator, Sarah, at Franklin Grove:
This fall several residents participated in the “That’s my Story and I’mSticking to It!” project. During the fall semester Boise State students helped participating residents define and capture stories that they wanted remembered for their families. Students helped them compile their stories and create a scrap book.Each resident was able to create this project a little differently. Some are more personal than others.
This was overall a very positive experience for all! We plan to do this again next autumn, here are some of the responses of our residents:
"I wasn’t so sure that I wanted to do this but Sarah and my care provider,Toni, told me that they so enjoyed my stories that they though I should do it.I had so much more fun than I thought I would have. I really enjoyed talking with Ann, the BSU student, who helped me. She made a beautiful book and my family really enjoyed seeing it. We think we will continue to visit each other. I was pleasantly surprised. I decided to not get as personal so I am willing to share it with others."
"I have wanted to get somethings written down for a long time and this really helped me. I really enjoyed working with Mark, the student whoen couraged me to put it all together. This was a very positive experience for me. Doing this book helped me realizehow strong I have been in my life. I am willing to show my book to anyone if they are interested."
"I really enjoyed working with the student from BSU. It made me feel good to have someone interested in my life stories. Who would have thought that someone else would find my life interesting! I am happy to have this recorded and something to share with my family. Some of my entries are a bit more personal so I have decided that this book is for family only."
"I really liked working with my student. She listened really well. One thing that I really cherish is that she asked my mom to write a letter to me for the scrap book. It is beautiful and made me feel loved and special."
The Greatest Gift to Give
During this holiday season we encourage everyone to take a few moments out of their lives and do something nice for someone else. Spend a little extra time with your children or someone who may not have family available during the season. Those small moments are chances to create lasting memories for those that may not have enough happy ones. Most organizations need volunteers throughout the year and Stepping Stones is no exception. If you have the time to give then take that step and seize the opportunity to make those memories. This is a time of year when many people need those happy memories the most.
Helping the community and those in need
Donation items can include:
School supplies
Kitchen items such as pots,pans and utensils
Bathroom supplies such such as toilet paper, soap, shampoo, toothpaste ect.
Cleaning supplies
Educational material for children
Cash donations can also be made at any of the bank branches. Mountain West Bank has been kind enough to set up an account for donations.
We would like to thank everyone in advance for your contributions.
What it takes to be a leader.
Stepping Stones has teamed up with L.E.A.D.E.R.S.H.I.P. 1st to share this program with the children of our centers. The Wylie center has been selected to be the first of many to participate in this program. It will be followed by an in depth drug awareness program to create a familiarity with commonly used drugs and the dangers of their use.
In conjunction with the youth program we will also offer a version for adults that will focus on the decision making process for parenthood, strengthening the family and giving their children the support needed to face the pressures of their peers. Upon completion of the program both youth and adults will be entered into a drawing to win cash prizes in appreciation for their attendance and participation.
Rock painting a smashing success!
Now we move on to phase two!
Did I Hear "Rock Painting!?"
Grand Opening of our Newest Stepping Stones Computer Learning Center!

This affordable housing community is located in Payette, Idaho and is sponsored by Idaho Senior Health Insurance Benefit Advisers (SHIBA).
Our learning center is a certified Medicare site. Certified counselors will provide assistance to elderly persons within the Payette, Idaho community with Medicare, Medicare Supplements, Long Term Care Insurance, HMO’s, the Prescription Drug Coverage Plan, and Preventative Screenings Medicare benefits.
Other programs include:
• Veteran learning and outreach programs will be provided.
• Independent living skills training, debt reduction, nutrition, and cooking on a budget classes.
• Financial literacy and identity theft education.
• Talking Book Service.
• Computer basics, email and web surfing basics to connect residents to health care, family, and more.
A special thank you to Diane Laurance, and the Residents at Payette Plaza, Karen Clark at SHIBA , Shane Vigil with lectrical Controls and Instrumentation, Ray Niederwarder At Sunnyridge, Todd Mahoney and Rebecca Mercer at NWRECC, for their hard work, dedication, and volunteer time to help make Payette Stepping Stones Computer Center a reality!
Be Part of Neighborhood Networks

Do something Good...for Residents, for Community...for You
NWRECC Featured on HUD's National Website for our Best Practices
Please click on link for story
Resident Initiatives Focus
Many of our residents may be capable of gaining employment (and many are already working), but they commonly have difficulty securing steady employment or advancing in work, despite other government and state employment assistance that might be available.Some residents face substantial personal and situational barriers to employment, including low education and skill levels, health problems, personal or family problems, as well as, limited knowledge about or skill in finding jobs and/or advancing in their current opportunities.
Neighborhood Networks is part of the Solution
We believe that given access to technology, proper assistance and incentives in our project based housing communities, many more assisted residents could enter work, sustain work, and achieve advancement in the work they currently do now. A sense of a community may also be obtained by connecting the social and economic institutions to residents, allowing them the chance to be productive members of the community.
Northwest Real Estate Capital Corp. believes that only with the strong foundation of safe affordable housing and comprehensive strategies that address the multiple barriers many residents face will we truly and effectively assist our Residents in navigating their way to better opportunities.
Our computer-learning center is a very powerful step in creating this foundation.
Our Plan
Our Neighborhood Networks Centers will offer the following training and programs to our residents and community:
Job-skills training/employment
Job-readiness training
Job-retention services
Job posting, search or placement services
Introduction to/familiarization with computers
Structured Internet access and access to local services
Economic development (microenterprises, small business development)
Telecommuting and remote job access training
Children's education programs (0-12 years)
Youth education programs (13-17 years)
Adult basic education/literacy
English as a Second Language (ESL) programs
GED/high school equivalency certificate programs
Adult continuing education programs
Family education programs
Children's activities (0-12 years)
Youth activities (13-17 years)
Adult activities (18-64)
Senior services (65+)
Personal financial management counseling